My interest in dance and creative aging was sparked by watching my grandparents age and witnessing the lack of quality artistic experiences that were available for them as they moved into care facilities. I applied for the Arizona Arts Commission's Creative Aging Teaching Artist's institute and was selected as one of 11 inaugural cohort members to receive mentorship and training through their 2016 Creative Aging Teaching Artist Institute. Through this program, I was grateful to receive mentorship, training, and exposure to best practices in the field of Creative Aging from local teaching artists Tessa Windt and Elizabeth Johnson, and notable guest artists including Liz Lerman (Dance Exchange), Anne Basting (Islands of Milwaukee, The Penelope Project), Gary Glazner (Alzheimer's Poetry Project), and Maria Genné (Kairos Alive! Choreography of Care). This training laid a foundation for future engagements and piqued an ongoing interest in the relationship between the human experiences of aging and creativity.


Oct. 2016-Present: Teaching artist, Mature Moving Me

  • Dance and creative process for adults 55+. Mesa Arts Center. Mesa, AZ

Oct. 2016-Mar. 2017: Project Consultant, Bridging the Divide

  • Partnership with ASU Dance students and Friendship Village Senior Living Community. Funded by 2016-17 City of Tempe/ASU Partnership Grant.


Nov. 2018-March 2019: Teaching Artist, Beatitudes Memory Café

  • Collaboration with music artists Carly Bates and Samuel Peña, and Life Enrichment Specialists from Beatitudes Campus to design and implement 90 minute creative art-making sessions for Beatitudes Memory Care residents. Glendale, AZ.

Apr. 4, 2018: Arts in Mind Caregiver Sampler

  • 105 minute session on creative movement and self-care for caregivers and partners of adults with dementia

Dec. 7, 2017: Teaching Artist, SMOCA Memory Lounge

  • 2 hour creative dance-making workshop for adults with dementia and their caregivers/partners. Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art.

Oct. 2016-Dec. 2016: Teaching artist, Movement for Dementia

  • Facilitate 60 minute creative movement sessions for daytime residents at Oakwood Creative Care. Mesa, AZ